The effects on menopause symptoms of The Jing Method™ of clinical massage delivered online
To assess if guided on-line sessions using HFMAST (heat, fascial release, self massage, trigger points, acupressure, stretching and teaching) can help reduce the impact of peri-meno and menopause symptoms in women aged 45-60.
To register your interest in taking part contact Mandy on 07747 722 171
To give women tools to help self manage peri-meno and menopause symptoms and to increase awareness of symptoms

Relevance to clinical and sports massage:
The number of women in the peri-meno and menopause phase of life is increasing because we have an ageing population and the age expectancy of women post menopause has increased meaning the number of women experiencing symptoms for longer is increasing. It is the fastest growing demographic in the UK work force today.
The Jing Method™ on-line has been shown to be beneficial for women prior to this study (Hyde, 2021) and consolidation of these findings would be useful for treating symptoms in clinical practice and on-line practice.

Study format:
The within-subject investigation aims to determine the effect of The Jing Method™ on-line in women experiencing menopause symptoms over a 6-week control period followed by a 6 week study period using the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) questionnaire.
Participants will be asked to complete the MRS questionnaire once a week for 6 weeks with no intervention treatment (control period). This will provide the baseline benchmark scores for menopause symptoms within the group.
For the following 6 weeks, The Jing Method™ will be delivered via on-line group sessions once per week and the MRS questionnaire will be completed by each participant 7 days after each session and prior to the next session.
The therapist will guide the participants through sessions following The Jing Method™ application of heat (participants are asked to provide their own hot water bottle/wheat cushion/eat pad), grounding and breath work, fascial releases, trigger point on muscles, acupressure point work, stretching and education. This will be delivered as a group session with up to 5 participants per group (6 including therapist).
Homework will be given at the end of each session and will be either the stretches or breath work given in the session to be carried out twice during the week at home.